Member Login



On January 1, 2023, the New Jersey Water Association updated it’s website and membership management database. Before this implementation every one that used our website to register for training needed to create a “profile” that consisted of a username, typically an email address and a password to access our website training page and register for training.
After the January 1, 2023 launch of our new system, only those contacts that were paid members in the previous 2 years were retained as active “members”. For those members, they have received a “Welcome Email” and asked to create a new account password.  Any other profiles that were unpaid were removed.

Who is considered a member of the New Jersey Water Association?

- System Member – A water, wastewater utility or public works department (Town, City or Municipal Utility Authority)  that provides any or all water, sewer or public works services to an entity in the State of New Jersey. Attached to that system member is the  primary contact (e.g. Water Superintendent, Executive Director of an MUA,  Public Works Manager etc.)
The 2023 membership rates for this category are based on system connections. Please see System Membership for details.   
- Individual Member Employed by a Member System – Staff or personnel employed at a water or wastewater utility that would like access to membership benefits, discounts to fee-based events, members-only content, and training.
The 2023 membership rate for this category is $30.00 each individual membership. Join Now
- Individual Member NOT Employed by a Member System – This membership is for those that are retired or not currently employed by an NJWA System Member who would like access to membership benefits, discounts to fee-based events, members-only content, and training.   The 2023 membership rate for this category is $110.00.  Join Now 
- Associate Members – are public and private corporations, Federal and State Agencies, and assistance providers to the water and wastewater community. The 2023 membership rate for this category is $600.00. Join Now 

To learn more about the New Jersey Water Association, our service, support, and Our Mission: About Us