About Us

About Us
New Jersey Water Association (NJWA) is a member driven, non-profit Association, affiliated with National Rural Water Association (NRWA). NJWA, NRWA and its state affiliates comprise the largest utility membership organization in the nation representing nearly 31,000 small and rural water and wastewater systems that serve over 1/3 of all Americans.
New Jersey Water Association's mission is "To enable our water and wastewater membership to safeguard the health of their users by providing leadership and professional services. " By providing on-site, one-on-one technical assistance and training we can help community elected officials and operators with their commitment and their profession of providing "Quality on Tap!"
A volunteer nine-member Board of Directors serving three-year terms governs our Association. These directors, who represent regions across the state, are elected during the annual business meeting held in conjunction with our fall management & technical conference in Atlantic City, NJ. One director is elected to be our National Director and represent New Jersey at the national level.

Water, Wastewater, Regulatory & Compliance
The NJWA is more than just boots on the ground, we are a helping hand that works with state and federal agencies to assist these agencies with Water, Wastewater and Source Water Protection efforts.No state or federal agency has the available personnel or budget to allow for field staff to provide the following services.
We work in concert with our state drinking water primacy agency, the US EPA, as well as state agencies such as DEP and the Department of Health.
- Leak Detection
- GPS,GIS Technical Assistance
- Line Location
- Consumer Confidence Reporting
Sourcewater Protection
Source Water Protection Program through the New Jersey Water Association to assist rural and small communities served by public water systems to reduce and/or eliminate potential risks to drinking water sources. Learn more about Sourcewater Protection Program
Onsite Technical Assistance & Training
Our Water & Wastewater Circuit Riders provide onsite training and technical assistance to utilities throughout New Jersey. Our circuit riders can assist with regulatory, technical, and compliance issues that affect your system and provide a targeted and hands-on approach to solutions.
System-Specific Internal Training
If you have a large utility with 10 or more utility employees that require employee training topics along with Training Contact Hours (TCH). We have several options available. To learn more about our fee-based internal training please Contact Us for more information.