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2024 Call for Presentations

2024 Annual Management & Technical Conference

October 23rd -24th, 2024
Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Call for presentation Deadline August 16th , 2024


General Guidelines

Most classes are scheduled for 30-60 minutes. Instructors should be prepared to begin their class on time and fill the allotted block. Questions from the attendees are encouraged. NJWATER reserves the right to accept or reject any proposed class or instructor.

Class Title
The title for your presentation should be a concise, straightforward description of the primary content of the class. Avoid long or complex class titles.

Class Description
The class description will be printed in the conference program and should give attendees an overview of the major topics of your class. Descriptions should be between 75 – 100 words. Longer descriptions may be submitted but will be edited due to space constraints. Electronic submissions are required. 

Instructor Biography
The instructor's biography will be used when we introduce you. The biography should give attendees an overview of your relevant experience. Biographies should be between 75 – 100 words. Longer biographies may be submitted but will be edited due to space constraints. Electronic submissions are required. 

Handouts / Materials
If you choose to provide materials, please consult us regarding the number of copies. Conference attendees are free to select the classes they wish, so actual attendance may vary. 

Class Procedure
Your classroom will be set up according to the audiovisual requirements you indicate on the Instructor Information Form. All classrooms have a projection screen and a microphone. Your presentation will be introduced by a conference host. This person will also pass around a class sign-in sheet, and evaluation forms. Please remind participants to fill out evaluation forms at the end. Any questions or requests regarding certification credits should be referred to a New Jersey Water Association staff.

Submit a Call For Presentation